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The Sound Lounge experience uses high frequency vibrations in sound canceling headphones with low vibrations on the body to restore your cells to their natural balance. 

Experience the Sound Lounge

​By appointment only


  • Vibra Acoustic Lounger

  • allows your mind and body to settle into a deep state of peace and stillness

  • quiets the  chitta vritti or "monkey mind"

  • can help alleviate discomfort associated with physical and mental ailments.

  • each experience is customized for your needs



  • 1 session (20-25 minutes) $45

  • 3 sessions $120 (expires after 90 days)

Pick your frequency 

  • Mood elevation

  • Energy

  • Relaxation

  • And more!


"unlike any sound healing experience I've ever had.  The immersion of both sound and vibrations brought full body & mind relaxation in an efficient way."

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