Introductory Offer
Non-refundable, non-transferrable. May not exceed one class per day.
Non-refundable, non-transferrable. Expires after 7 days
Class Packs
Class packs are non-refundable, non-transferable and cannot be applied as account credit. Class packs may be shared.
The Perks of being a member!
Membership Details & Terms/policies for the studio:
Our memberships are the biggest bang for your buck if you plan to practice more than 1x a week. The best way to build consistency and healthy habits in your life. Here are the perks:
UNLIMITED regular yoga classes in studio and access to our live archived classes (prenatal not included)
10% off workshops and select merchandise
TWO guest passes per month (passes do not accrue month to month)
No minimum commitment required**
One suspension per year up to 30 days (minimum suspension 15 days)*
30 day written notice to cancel a membership**
$75 a month for 4 classes is not a membership and not eligible for perks
**Email to cancel. $95/month 6-month memberships are not eligible for cancellation.
One Year Unlimited Yoga Classes $1080 & 6 Months Pre Paid $555
This option gives you a one year or 6 month membership paid in full at a deep discount. All perks included excluding the suspension and options to cancel. Non-refundable, not eligible for transfer, and not valid with any other offer. Effective from the date of purchase.
Memberships Terms and Policies:
*Suspensions must be submitted in writing and a minimum of 15 days, maximum of 30 per calendar year. Suspended memberships that wish to be cancelled will still require a 30 day notice, outside of the suspension period, and the cancellation process will remain in effect. Dates of suspension will not be counted towards the required 30 day membership cancellation period. 6-Month Memberships are not eligible for suspension or cancellation before the end of the contract period. Memberships are purchased on an individual basis and cannot be shared with another client. Memberships are non-refundable and not eligible for transfer to another service or pricing option.